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The examples/etc directory includes a sample file that can be edited. switchmap-ng assumes all files in this directory, or any other specified configuration directory, only contains switchmap-ng configuration files. Most user will only need to edit the three files supplied.

Setting Your Configuration File

All switchmap executables default to searching for configuration files in the etc/ directory of the switchmap-ng code base.

This can be changed by setting the SWITCHMAP_CONFIGDIR environmental variable to the location of your choice. This can be done like this:

export SWITCHMAP_CONFIGDIR=/path/to/the/configuration/directory

Sample Configuration File

Here is a sample configuration file that will be explained later in detail. switchmap-ng will attempt to contact hosts with each of the parameter sets in the snmp_group section till successful.

NOTE: If a default value is mentioned in the documentation it means that if the corresponding parameter is left out of the configuration, that the default value will be assumed.

agent_subprocesses: 20
system_directory: /path/to/system/directory
log_level: debug
log_directory: /path/to/log/directory
daemon_directory: /path/to/daemon/directory
multiprocessing: True

bind_port: 7001
api_listen_address: localhost

username: switchmap
api_listen_address: localhost
bind_port: 7000
ingest_interval: 86400
purge_after_ingest: True
cache_directory: /path/to/cache/directory
db_host: localhost
db_name: switchmap
db_user: switchmap
db_pass: CHANGE_ME_NOW
db_pool_size: 30

username: switchmap
polling_interval: 86400
server_address: localhost
server_bind_port: 7000
server_username: null
server_password: None
server_https: false
- zone: TEST

- group_name: V2
snmp_version: 2
snmp_community: YOUR_SNMP_COMMUNITY
snmp_port: 161
enabled: True

- group_name: Corporate Campus
snmp_version: 3
snmp_secname: woohoo
snmp_port: 161
snmp_authprotocol: sha
snmp_authpassword: YOUR_AUTH_PASSWORD
snmp_privprotocol: des
snmp_privpassword: YOUR_PRIV_PASSWORD

- group_name: Remote Sites
snmp_version: 3
snmp_secname: foobar
snmp_port: 161
snmp_authprotocol: sha
snmp_authpassword: YOUR_AUTH_PASSWORD
snmp_privprotocol: aes
snmp_privpassword: YOUR_PRIV_PASSWORD

Configuration File Sections

This section explains the purpose of the various sections of the configuration.

  1. switchmap-ng runs three separate daemon processes. A Dashboard server, an API server, and the poller.
  2. Each daemon can run on the same physical device or VM. You can also split them up to run separately in a distributed architecture. The separation of the dashboard, server and poller sections makes it easier for you to do this.
  3. You can have multiple pollers located in different geographies posting data to a central API server. Each poller would have unique poller sections to match the devices in their location.
  4. You must only have one API server. You can have multiple dashboard and poller servers.

The core: Section

This is the section of the configuration file that governs the general operation of switchmap-ng. Here is how it is configured.

core:YAML key describing the server configuration.
system_directory:Location where temporary data files are stored. Make sure that the switchmap username has write access to it. defaults to the var/ directory in the switchmap-ng root directory.
log_directory:The directory where switchmap-ng places its log files. Make sure that the switchmap username has write access to it. Defaultsto the log/subdirectory of system_directory
daemon_directory:The directory where switchmap-ng places its files necessary for proper daemon operation. Make sure that the switchmap username has write access to it. Defaults to the daemon/subdirectory of system_directory.

This directory needs to be empty on a reboot. So we recommend a few possible solutions:

1) Place this directory in small RAM disk.The total storage required will be about 1 kB.

2) If you plan to run the switchmap-ng executables as Linux daemons, then this should be set to /var/run/switchmap after testing with the default values.

log_level:Defines the logging level. debug level is the most verbose, followed by info, warning and critical
agent_subprocesses:The maximum number of subprocesses used to process data. Defaults to the number of CPU cores in the system.
multiprocessing:If set to False, the poller and ingester daemons will run as a single process. This is useful for troubleshooting. Defaults to True for better performance.

The dashboard: Section

This section of the file is used to configure the web dashboard used in switchmap-ng.

Here is how it is configured:

dashboard:YAML key describing the poller configuration.
api_listen_address:IP address the dashboard server will be using to host web pages. The default is localhost. This should be changed to the IP address of the dashboard server's network interface that web browsers can access.
api_bind_port:The TCP port the dashboard server will use. Defaults to 7001. In most cases this won't have to be changed.
api_https:Set this to trueif web browsers need to use HTTPs to access the dashboard server pages. Switchmap only uses the SSL capabilities of the pre-installed webserver of your choice to encrypt data sent over the network. Default False.
api_password:The HTTPS simple authentication password that the dashboard server uses. Defaults to None.
api_username:The HTTPS simple authentication username that the dashbord server uses. Defaults to None.
username:The username under which all switchmap-ng dashboard server daemons will run. This is set to ensure that unauthorized users run the daemon code.
server_address:The IP address to use for contacting the switchmap-ng server. The default is localhost.
server_bind_port:The TCP port the switchmap-ng API server uses. This must match the api_bind_port setting in the API server's configuration. Defaults to 7000. In most cases this won't have to be changed.
server_https:Set this to trueif the dashboard server needs to use HTTPs to access the switchmap-ng API server. Switchmap only uses the SSL capabilities of the pre-installed webserver of your choice to encrypt data sent over the network. Default False.
server_password:The HTTPS simple authentication password that the switchmap-ng API server uses.
server_username:The HTTPS simple authentication username that the switchmap-ng API server uses.

The server: Section

This section of the configuration file:

  1. needs to be added to the core: section if you plan to configure your server to be an API server.
  2. governs the API server operation of switchmap-ng. Here is how it is configured.

Here is how it is configured:

server:YAML key describing the poller configuration.
username:The username under which all switchmap-ng poller daemons will run. This is set to ensure that unauthorized users run the daemon code.
api_listen_address:IP address the server will be using to host web pages. The default is localhost. This should be changed to the IP address of a server network interface that the poller can access over the network. If the poller daemon resides on the same server then the default is OK.
api_bind_port:The TCP port the API will use. Defaults to 7000. In most cases this won't have to be changed.
api_https:Set this to trueif web browsers need to use HTTPs to access the API pages. Switchmap only uses the SSL capabilities of the pre-installed webserver of your choice to encrypt data sent over the network. Default False.
api_password:The HTTPS simple authentication password that the API server uses. Defaults to None.
api_username:The HTTPS simple authentication username that the dashbord server uses. Defaults to None.
cache_directory:The directory where switchmap-ng places files containing polling data from the poller. Make sure that the switchmap username has write access to it. Defaults to the cache/subdirectory of system_directory
db_host:MySQL database server hostname
db_user:MySQL database username
db_name:MySQL database name
db_pass:MySQL database password
db_pool_size:Size of the database connection pool. The default value is sufficient in most cases.
ingest_interval:The frequency with which the ingester daemon checks for new cache files in seconds. This must not be less than the poller's polling_intervalvalue.
purge_after_ingest:When true(default) only the most recently polled data is stored in the database.

The poller: Section

This section of the configuration file:

  1. needs to be added to the core: section if you plan to configure your server to be SNMP poller server.
  2. governs the polling operation of switchmap-ng.

Here is how it is configured.

poller:YAML key describing the poller configuration.
username:The username under which all switchmap-ng poller daemons will run. This is set to ensure that unauthorized users run the daemon code.
polling_interval:The frequency in seconds with which the poller will query devices
server_address:The IP address to use for contacting the server. The default is localhost.
server_bind_port:The TCP port the API server uses. This must match the api_bind_portsetting in the API server's configuration. Defaults to 7000. In most cases this won't have to be changed.
server_https:Set this to trueif the poller needs to use HTTPs to access the API server. Switchmap only uses the SSL capabilities of the pre-installed webserver of your choice to encrypt data sent over the network. Default False.
server_password:The HTTPS simple authentication password that the API server uses.
server_username:The HTTPS simple authentication username that the API server uses.
hostnames:A list of hosts that will be polled for data.

The zones: Poller Section

This is the section of the configuration file that lists the devices that will be polled for data. This is how switchmap-ng uses this information.

zones:YAML key describing groups of devices grouped in zones.
zone:Name of the zone
notes:A brief line of text describing the zone
hostnames:A list of devices that need to be polled

The snmp_groups: Poller Section

This is the section of the configuration file that governs the SNMP credentials to be used to retrieve data from devices. You can have multiple groups, each with a separate group_name. This is how switchmap-ng uses this information.

  1. switchmap-ng will attempt to use each set of group credentials until it is successful. It will skip devices that it cannot authenticate against or reach.
  2. switchmap-ng will keep track of the most recently used credentials to successfully obtain data and will use these credentials first.
snmp_groups:YAML key describing groups of SNMP authentication parameter. All parameter groups are listed under this key.
group_name:Descriptive name for the group
snmp_version:SNMP version. Must be present even if blank. Only SNMP versions 2 and 3 are supported by the project.
snmp_secname:SNMP security name (SNMP version 3 only). Must be present even if blank.
snmp_community:SNMP community (SNMP version 2 only). Must be present even if blank.
snmp_authprotocol:SNMP AuthPassword (SNMP version 3 only). Must be present even if blank.
snmp_authpassword:SNMP PrivProtocol (SNMP version 3 only). Must be present even if blank.
snmp_privprotocol:SNMP PrivProtocol (SNMP version 3 only). Must be present even if blank.
snmp_privpassword:SNMP PrivPassword (SNMP version 3 only). Must be present even if blank.
snmp_port:SNMP UDP port