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This section outlines how to install and do basic configuration of switchmap-ng.

Setup and Configure MySQL Database Server

switchmap-ng uses a MySQL database to store data. This section outlines how to set it up.

Install Database Packages

Install MySQL on a database server as outlined in the MySQL documentation.

Database Configuration

Create the database, and grant privileges to a switchmap user. In this case both the database and the database user are named switchmap.

$ sudo mysql
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON switchmap.* TO 'switchmap'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'CHANGE_ME_NOW';

Install Prerequisite Supporting Operating System Packages

switchmap-ng has the following requirements:

  • python >= 3.5
  • python3-pip

It will not work with lower versions.

Ubuntu / Debian / Mint

The commands for installing the dependencies are:

$ sudo apt-get -y install python3 python3-pip snmp libsnmp-dev snmp-mibs-downloader gcc python-dev-is-python3 python3-venv

Centos / Fedora

The commands for installing the dependencies are:

$ sudo dnf -y install python3 python3-pip net-snmp-utils net-snmp-devel gcc python-devel python3-virtualenv

Install Switchmap-NG

Installation is simple. Follow these steps

Clone the Repository

Now clone the repository and copy the sample configuration file to its final location.

$ git clone
$ cd switchmap-ng

Install Prerequisite Python Packages

To ensure that switchmap will be using only the versions of python packages it requires, independent of any other python applications you may have installed, even after a operating system upgrade, we use the python venv system.

In short, venv makes switchmap-ng work in a more predictable way which improves reliability and simplifies troubleshooting.

The following commands will:

  1. create a directory named venv/ in the top most switchmap-ng directory.
  2. copy your systems python files there

Here are the commands:

$ cd /path/to/switchmap-ng
$ python3 -m venv venv

You will now need to activate the use of these copied python files by switchmap-ng.

  1. This can be done using the source command referencing a script that will do the activation.
  2. Your command prompt will change to have a (venv) prefix

Here are the commands:

$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $

Now you can install the extra python packages using pip3 referencing the packages in the requirements.txt file

(venv) $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Remember to always be in venv mode when running switchmap-ng by running the source command first. You only need to run the command once per terminal session.

Edit The Configuration File

Please read the configuration file beforehand before proceeding.

Edit your configuration file with the appropriate configuration options. Here are the steps using the vim editor:

(venv) $ cp examples/etc/config.yaml etc/config.yaml
(venv) $ vim etc/config.yaml

Make the required changes.

Run Installation Script

You will now need to run the database installation script. This creates the database tables and populates some of them with important data.

(venv) $ bin/tools/

Testing Installation

There are a number of ways to test your installation. Please refer to the troubleshooting guide for additional details if these methods fail.

Testing Polling

You can test your SNMP configuration and connectivity to your devices using the utility like this:

(venv) $ bin/tools/ --hostname HOSTNAME

If you have setup switchmap-ng as a system daemon with a daemon_directory: value /var/run you will need to specify the venv path to python3 first.

(venv) $ sudo venv/bin/python3 bin/tools/ --hostname HOSTNAME

If successful it will print the entire contents of the polled data on the screen.

Testing the API Server

You can test whether the API is working by starting it on the device designated to receiving polling information and storing it in the database.

(venv) $ bin/systemd/switchmap_server --start
(venv) $ bin/systemd/switchmap_server --status

The result of the status check should look like this:

Daemon is running - <bound method of <switchmap.core.agent.AgentAPI object at>>
Daemon is running - <bound method of <switchmap.core.agent.Agent object at>>

Testing the Web Dashboard

You can test whether the web dashboard API is working by

  1. Correctly configuring and starting the API server as shown above
  2. Starting the web dashboard as shown below.
(venv) $ bin/systemd/switchmap_dashboard --start
(venv) $ bin/systemd/switchmap_dashboard --status

The result of the status check should look like this:

Daemon is running - <bound method of <switchmap.core.agent.AgentAPI object at>>
Daemon is running - <bound method of <switchmap.core.agent.Agent object at>>

You can then visit the dashboard URL. (You will need to make adjustments if you installed the application on a remote server):


The Webserver help page provides the necessary steps to view switchmap on port 80 using Apache or Nginx

Testing Setup for Developers

Follow the installation steps above to have the application ready, then add these steps for developing code.

Database Configuration

Create the switchmap_unittest database, and grant privileges to a switchmap_unittest user with the password switchmap_unittest.

$ sudo mysql
CREATE DATABASE switchmap_unittest;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON switchmap_unittest.* TO 'switchmap_unittest'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'switchmap_unittest';

Setup the Test Config File

Create the testing configuration file which will be stored in a hidden directory in $HOME

(venv) $ tests/bin/

Run the Test Suite

You can run all the tests with this command.

(venv) $ tests/bin/

An alternative method is to use pytest.

(venv) $ pytest tests/switchmap_

You can run individual tests with this command.

(venv) $ tests/switchmap_/path/to/